About us

About Würth Iceland

Würth Iceland – football&fun is an international Old boys and Old girls football (soccer) tournament held in Iceland in November each year. The tournament has been held for the past 17 years and is scheduled on November 8th 2025. The tournament is for old boys and old girls.

There are four categories for men; 30 years and older, 40 years and older, 50 years and older and 60 years and older. There are three categories for women; 22 years and older, 30 years and older and 40 years and older.

The tournament is played at ¼ of a field with six players; a goalie and five strikers!

The tournament consists of three main things; reception, the tournament and a closing party. 43 teams; foreign and Icelandic took part in Würth Iceland – football&fun tournament 2024.

Please visit our Facebook site, Würth Iceland – football&fun.