Würth Iceland
is an
international football

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About Würth Iceland

Würth Iceland – football&fun is an international Old boys and Old girls football (soccer) tournament held in Iceland in November each year. The tournament has been held for the past 17 years and is scheduled on November 8th 2025. The tournament is for old boys and old girls.

There are four categories for men; 30 years and older, 40 years and older, 50 years and older and 60 years and older. There are three categories for women; 22 years and older, 35 years and older and 45 years and older.

The tournament is played at ¼ of a field with six players; a goalie and five strikers! The tournament consists of three main things; reception, the tournament and a closing party. 43 teams, foreign and Icelandic teams took part in Würth Iceland – football&fun tournament 2024.

Please visit our Facebook site, Würth Iceland – football&fun.

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Info For Overseas

We offer a complete package for overseas teams participating in the Würth Iceland – football&fun tournament. Teams find themselves a flight to Iceland and sooner they decide to participate, the loweris the airfare to Iceland.

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The Rules

We offer a complete package for overseas teams participating in the Würth Iceland – football&fun tournament. Teams find themselves a flight to Iceland and sooner they decide to participate, the loweris the airfare to Iceland. That is; teams buy airfares and we do the rest.

  1. Each team consists of six players and one of them shall be goalie.
  2. Six substitutes per team shall be permitted at any time during a match. Rolling substitutes will be allowed throughout each match and can be made when the ball is still in play. A player who has been replaced may return to the playing area as a substitute for another player. Substitution shall take place at the same point. Outgoing substitutes must leave the field of play before the replacement enters the playing area. The oncoming players are active immediately and can receive the ball.
  3. Each game is “about” 10 -12 minutes with no interval.
  4. A player who is sent off shall not be allowed to take any further part in the match. A substitute is allowed for a player dismissed for misconduct during the game in which the offence occurred.
  5. All free kicks are indirect and the opposing players shall be at least 3 metres from the ball until it is in play.
  1. No slide tackles are allowed. Infringement of this rule will lead to a free kick being awarded against the offending player’s team. Professional fouls will be penalised with a penalty and the guilty player may face disciplinary action.
  2. There are no offside rules.
  3. After a goal has been scored the game will be re-started by the team taking a centre.
  4. A backpass may not be picked up by the goalkeeper.
  1. After holding the ball the goalkeeper must immediately return the ball into play within 5 seconds. The goalkeeper must return the ball into play by rolling it out of his area with an under-arm bowling action. If the ball is returned any other way a free-kick will be given to the opposition two metres outside the area.
  2. The Referee’s decision on all on-field matters is final and no discussions will be entered into either on or off the field with him about any decision.


Friday night, November 8th there will be a reception for participating teams at Hotel Cabin, a warm welcome for the group. The tournament schedule will be announced and people mingle!

Contact us

Get very interesting information by sending E-mail to Magnus Ingvason, tournament director at mi@fa.is.